Saturday, 28 December 2024

Holiday Shenanigans - Terraforming Mars

My brother and his family came over as part of our Christmas celebrations. That mean there were a bunch of kids unter 10 at the house and they needed structure. It gave me a chance to bust out my WotC Star Wars Miniatures. They covered the table with them and played with them making shooty noises. One of my favourite memories of visiting my grandad was getting his old airfix cowboys and native american figures out and play with them. 

After that the eldest couple wanted to play with my WW2 miniatures. They don't get a lot of action to be honest and I was glad to get them out. I made up some rules on the hoof and they enjoyed it. The rules were a mash up of Bolt Action (or what little I could remember of them from 10 years ago) and some vague dice mechanics. It encouraged me to perhaps put together some rules that are a little crunchier than my other attempts. 

My brother and his wife then came back over tonight to play my favourite game - Terraforming Mars. I was completely enthrawled. I love this game so much. It was my fifth play of this game and it was my best attempt yet. I have never won. But I managed to get very close this time round. 

I am the yellow. I smashed it by dominating the map, but my brother had some insane victory point generation machines, while his wife has basically solved the game. They have played it around 150 times each, many of those times were against each other.