Having attended the local wargame club twice last summer, I did not return. This was due at first to my wife's work life making Thursday nights really difficult. Then there was the summer break where I was just busy the entire time, more of my wife's work into the autumn, then it just sort of felt awkward that I would show up after so long and hope that they were nice? So ridiculous and neutoric.
In the end someone new messaged about wanting to play Memoir 44 and I took that as a way in. My wife has also changed her job which makes Thursday nights much less stressful and full on. So I went and when I arrived there were two guys playing it already. So I sat with them and we hot steated around the table. It was pretty cool. I have had Memoir 44 since 2012 I think, but had only played it 6 times in 12 years. It is 2 player so it didn't really get to the table much.
After this we played the liberation of Paris scenario which was really hard to win as Germans. That was pretty fun.
Having a club where people like what you like is great!