Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Junk Build Flying Machine 4.0

 So for a couple of weeks now, my children have had the Lego down in the lounge, and have set up a little town on the all-purpose table. Every evening I decide the effort of moving the Lego is not out-weighed by my desire to paint/build. Last night, however the Lego was gone. So it was hobby o'clock. 

I didn't want to actually paint, and have a collection of junk that I have been eying up as possible spacecraft for a while now, so decided to go for it. 

This is some sort of glasses cleaner with the spongey cleaning pads removed. I had to cut the brush off, which extends out of the rear and stick some greeblies on. There are small paper squares to give it the panelled look, and a few other bits. The fin out of the back was a last minute addition, which I am not sure about. I think it gives this more of an atmospheric flyer look, rather than a space faring craft. The long protuberances are for carrying large, heavy-duty cargo.

This is going to be some sort of landing/unloading bay. My new junk-build fits on it. I again just wanted a rough looking, industrial/frontier looking sort of outpost. 


  1. Oh, this looks interesting - look forward to seeing how this goes!

    1. Thanks! I look forward to getting it finished.
