Thursday 27 November 2014

Operation Build a village...part something.

Tomorrow is a university day. It means I am not in the classroom, am not stressing about it, and have somehow managed to get most of my planning done. As such, I allowed myself to do some evening painting. The walls are textured with some cheap wall filler. In all honesty, I am disappointed with the filler in just about every way. For some reason I could barely squeeze it out of the tube, and it doesn't seem to have set amazingly. Hopefully the paint will help, and when I dry brush it will add some depth. I stuck paper around the corners to hide the edge of the foamboard.

The lintels are coffee stirrers and the window are matchsticks. The doors are also coffee stirrers stuck to the inside of the building. I can't decide which colour to paint the wood, and I also need to make window frames for the inside, but I am pleased with my progress. I might pop into town Saturday morning to pick up some supplies.

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