One last job on Launia, that was the plan. Holmes and the crew were looking to make a move, partly to see more of the galaxy, partly to avoid unwanted UCS attention, partly to avoid problems with various upset groups here on Launia. One last job, upgrade The Pelican and see what lies further afield. They had managed to pay off the ship debt, meaning there was little risk of it being taken against debts, and they had some good contacts, but that wasn't enough to stay. Why have a debt-free ship if you don't use it?
Part of life as a roving ship crew meant schmoozing with anyone with coin to part with, contracts to offer, and useful information to sell. While the others explored, trained and traded Brenko and Phillips went to a few cantinas and managed to meet Porter Alken - a local lawman who had a contract for them. Someone had been stealing niche farm equipment out in the agri districts but no-one knew why. He needed people to secure similar equipment in a handful of farms, in order to stop this thievery. Our crew would need to secure the central gear storage unit of a farm out on the edges of Avery Agri District. They would be paid for their trouble, and because there had been a few fatalities in previous robberies, there was a good chunk of danger pay. It also never hurt to have an in with local or sector officials.

The Pelican crew advanced across a field. Phillips scoped out the equipment storage building - the furthest away, and most isolated...great.
Four corporate goons divided into two pairs. They would circle around and drive off any farm hands before going for the equipment. This should be a by-the-book job, which would help keep the authorities distracted from Apex Industries' true goal.
The Pelicans advanced to the edge of the actual building complex. It would be a short dash to the storage unit. No sign of any thieves yet.
The corporate goons carried on advancing. The right team was planning on taking cover behind the low rocks and the left team would be setting up a crossfire from the trees just north of the road.
Lars took cover behind some logs and saw movement. He opened fire with his rattlegun but all of his shots went wide, not even sending the mysterious figure searching for cover.
The rest of the crew spread out. Holmes was hoping to set up by the trees and give long-ranged cover fire. Mao and Phillips were planning on hugging the northern buildings and fire at any thieves that came within shotgun range, while Brenko and Lars would secure the equipment lockup. Baratski would float around ready to give close support.
Not rattle by the rattlegun fire the leader of the corporate goons opened fire on Estelle Philips. She missed, thankfully, bullets letting out air from the truck's wheels.
Meanwhile the other goon tried to get shots off at Brenko, but missed also. The goons had a good position, however, and needed to sit tight and keep firing to drive these...surprisingly well hands away.
The corporate team hugging the trees tried to catch Mao in the open, but their fire also went wide. Things were already looking better than previous missions. Lars Nicolau was astounded that he hadn't been hit, nor even fired at yet!
Holmes, hugging the trees for cover, took aim, breathed out and pulled the trigger. A goon fell clutching at their chest. One less problem to worry about. These thieves seemed to be well armed though, and didn't seem like roving farm thieves.
Estelle Phillips approached the storage unit and fired at the goon leader, missing her shots. That purple truck would need a new paint job though. Unseen, Brenko hugged the southern side of the lockup, protecting it from another angle, while Baratski covered the open approach. Noticing a comrade go silent on the comms and seeing how well armed their opponents were, one of the corporate goons ran, off into the loving arms of the Apex Industries disciplinary HR system.
Hoping to make a point, Phillips ran up towards the goon leader and threw a grenade. It blasted her away and in the process put the purple truck in need of more than just a new paint job.
Alone and exposed, the last remaining corporate goon made a run for it also. With the equipment secured, and the thieves sufficiently deterred, some of the crew returned to meet with Porter Alken, to tell him the news and get paid. They reported that these thieves were well armed and wore a uniform. They were likely more than just common thieves, though none of this information came as a surprise to Alken. Launia Civic Protection department had been struggling to build a case against alleged criminal activity by affiliates of, or people associated with Apex Industries for a few years now. Something was going on, but they just couldn't break through to figure it out.
Any rate, the crew got paid, and it was enough to pay to upgrade The Pelican's cargo hold. This would mean they would be able to transport more cargo. They also managed to get hold of an auto rifle, which would help should they find themselves in trouble with any trained military. Now to get off this rock and let things cool down for a while.