Saturday 16 July 2022

Rebased infantry and some building blocks.

After a month of inactivity I managed to get something done. I rebased these infantry figures, making them smaller and definitely magnetic. Here they are taking up defensive positions to stop looting.

 I have a box of wooden building blocks that have been sat around for a few years. Today I finally had a stroke of inspiration that I could use them as modular buildings. I figure if I paint windows on all four sides, put a door on two of them, and leave the tops blank, then I can have some seriously modular buildings. The round ones can be mostly glass. The long, thin ones can also make for useful buildings. If I lay them flat and stack them, then I have a high rise. If I stand them up on edge, they can be used to create the illusion of a closed in area. Sort of creating the edge of a computer game level if you see.