So far I have played one and a half games of Barbarian Prince. I am enjoying it so far, but need to talk about that first game!
However, the following evening I gave it another shot. So far I am at the end of Week 3 and have managed to visit a temple (and heal after being mauled by a wild boar). I have also collected about 70 Gold, run away from some stone-skinned goblin, and am being accompanied by 7 Amazons who have helped me kick butt on the road from Cawther to Tulith. I highly doubt I will win the game. I see it's value though. I imagine it is pretty fun to use this as a campaign map for a DnD campaign type or role playing. Imagine moving hexes then when an encounter is rolled, playing that out with miniatures.
I also spent a week crossing the Kabir desert. Not convinced that was a good idea as it took a while and nothing happened.