Hi all,
Having not done much in a while I had the opportunity to sit down for two evenings and make progress. My wife was out in London for the day on Saturday, so after a busy day tiring the kids out and having a great time with them and some friends, I sat myself down Saturday evening and started trying to smash out some infantry.
I painted the green onto quite a lot of US infantry (helmets) and then their gear I painted a lighter green, then washed them. Unfortunately I squeezed too much green paint out so found a bunch of other things to paint.
I then cut the US infantry off their strips and attached them to bases - this damaged the paint on some of them which has helped me decide how best to paint up my figures now.
On Sunday night I painted the bases (bare coin) with my sand colour and then covered with flock. I like the basing system I now have, but an improvement will be made by doing the following:
1. Glue unpainted miniatures to bases.
2. Prime the miniature stands white.
3. Paint the bases sand.
4. Paint the miniatures - I think this will be slightly slower as they won't be on strips, but I won't damage the paint removing from strips to put on bases.
5. Flock bases.
6. Brush the loose flock off of the miniatures.
7. Seal with a spray.
Here are my almost finished miniatures: