Unhappy with my previous platoon of Soviet infantry I wanted to go greener and brighter. Again, I wanted them to better reflect how they look in Sudden Strike. I wanted a uniform green colour that stands out a little more from the darkness of the table. Here is how I did it.
I painted the figures on strips, which was not a good move, it made basing them harder. On some of the stands you can see shiny copper coin glow through. Next time I paint any I will base them and prime them first. Then paint the base sand yellow - with no coin showing through. I will then follow these steps:
Step 2: Flesh - I was not careful at all.
Step 3: Uniform - I used a colour called Russian Uniform from Vallejo.
Step 4: Weapons and boots black. No wooden stocks at this size. If any paint from boots goes on the base then sobeit.
Step 5: Washed the miniatures with Citadel: Agrax Earthshade. Did not bother washing the base.
Step 6: Painted their helmets Vallejo Russian Green.
Step 7: Painted bayonets with Citadel: Runefang Steel.
Step 8: Flocked the bases. Covered entirely with flock. Painted the rim of bases Vallejo German Grey.
Step 9: Seal miniatures with a matt spray.
Two different types of light. I really like how these Soviets have turned out. So much better than my first batch - they were too dark. These guys were so simple to paint. The shiny bayonets really help them pop off of the table.
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