Tuesday 4 June 2024

Five Parsecs from Home - Turn 12: Secure the energy production plant.

I don't often fudge or reroll my dice. Sometimes for an easier life I will do it, or to end a game quicker. This campaign turn though - you couldn't have written it better. When rolling up this encounter I rolled a battle against "Unity Grunts". Before all of this happened, I had created the narrative of a possible Collective invasion made up for flavour. I wanted to create an incident and see what happened. The decision to use "Unity Grunts" as Collective infantry was made as they are good, generic soldier stats, and if an invasion battle came up, I would use those grunts, rather than anything else, even though they technically aren't an invasion threat enemy. It is just hilarious to me that the very next battle ends up being against Unity Grunts. Thus, the narrative for this encounter will be to secure some energy source/energy plant from a team of Collective infantry. They are also pretty heftily armed, military rifles, a couple of plasma rifles and a fury rifle?

I also made the realisation that I only ever had 3 single use Frakk grenades. I have unquestionably used more than 3 grenades, probably thinking I had like 5 or six of them. Then it was two years since I played and I forgot that they were limited. I am now playing that I have two left. I love Frakk grenades. It will be a shame to lose them, although I have a grenade launcher it just doesn't feel the same as flinging a grenade over a stack of crates.

As night approached the crew set off, splitting into their two teams. Brenko, Phillips and Forgrave were going to use the train as cover and wait, hidden, ready to pounce on any Collective grunts who might stray into their path. Stealth was the key. Holmes, Nicolau and Baratski were going to run to the power plant and lock it down quickly. Most power stations were designed with a lock down proceedure that could only be overriden from the inside, or remotely with correct access. The local gov were hoping to slow down Collective invasion plans by robbing them of access to power.

In game terms one of my crew had to finish two consecutive turns in the centre of the map, with no enemy within 6. Narrative - locking down the power plant. I made the picture dark to show it is night. I did not do that with the other pictures, so you can see what is happening. Visibility is 9cm, although if you fire you can be fired upon from any range.

The recon squad of Collective soldiers split into two gun teams. Four men would advance in column up the road while a support weapon team, along with the LT would cover the flank and hop from cover to cover. They needed this power plant in tact if possible. 

The crew advanced, steadily, remaining hidden behind the train.

The Collective troops cautiously advanced. The road column was about to disperse to create a field of fire. 

The Pelican crew spread out a little. Holmes and Baratski were preparing to run across the road to commence the lockdown sequence. The Collective soldiers also spread out in order to cover the men who would try storming the power plant.

Brenko and Forgrave popped out from behind the train and opened fire on some Collective troops, knocking two of them out. The Collective troops held their nerve. They were professionals.

One Collective soldier flanked around the trees while others took aim and fired. Brenko escaped the fire but Phillips and Forgrave both took shots. Forgrave went down under a furious amount of plasma fire and heavy weaponry. Unpictured, Holmes and Baratski hopped across the road, still unseen, and began locking the plant down.

In game terms he took two stuns markers from a Plasma Rifle, then a third from the Fury Rifle. He is out of the game now.

Brenko jumped off the train and charged at a Collective soldier, slicing him down. Still the Collective held their nerve. 

Still unseen, Baraski and Holmes completed the lockdown proceedure, shutting out access to the plant. Any Collective forces wishing to use this place, or disrupt power supply would have to bring in heavy artillery.

A Collective strike group arrived on the scene in tactical column. It was time for The Pelican crew to get the heck out of there. They could not fight this with a couple of grenades and shotguns.  

Emboldened by the reinforcements the remaining Collective soldiers began advancing again. There were no more targets. The column would now bypass this place and advance up the road into the more settled areas.

Back at port, they checked Forgrave out. Save for some cracked ribs and bruising, the flak vest had taken the brunt of the attack. He would be just fine. Credits transfered, loot stowed away, the decision was made to leave asap. The skies were already full of other craft filled with families, workers and other refugees bugging out as soon as they could. No-one wanted to remain planetside when there was an active war going on. 

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