Tuesday 25 June 2024

Five Parsecs From Home: Turn 16 - Ambushed by rivals!

The Pelican was getting crowded these days. Mao and Forgrave, after getting out of medbay decided to use the resources around them to upgrade the living quarters on board. It was a pretty basic job but when all was said and done it looked pretty good. More room for activities. 

Meanwhile in a local watering hole the crew got into a few fights! Finlay Carrick, the new guy of all people! What happened to laying low and looking for new leads to find those missing settlers? 

After sniffing around a little Sara over at Leyte thought she had another lead for the crew. When returning to The Pelican to gear up they were ambushed! Those thugs who exchanged fists with Carrick were back for round 2, but this time armed to the teeth!

As the crew approached The Pelican they noticed that the landing port was deserted. This was unusual for as much as this place was a backwater landing pad on a backwater planet there had up until this point been quite a lot of activity here. Suddenly EARL detected lifeforms incoming, moving quickly. Suspiciously quickly.

The crew split into their normal fire teams. Holmes, EARL and Baratski circled around the building intending to take up positions in and around the foliage for a clear line of fire across the entire area. Brenko, Phillips and Carrick ran to The Pelican to take up positions behind crates and engage the advancing rabble.

Almost into cover and the shadows beneath The Pelican.

Fire started incoming from the rabble of punks who were running headlong at the crew. The fire was largely inaccurate but it was high in volume and made them duck for cover, rounds kicking up sparks and dust clouds from the ground around them.

EARL fired his first grenade, hoping to dispell the crowd and cause maximun carnage. The grenade overshot, bouncing off some cargo and exploding harmlessly out of the way. 

The incoming punks continued to rush forward, firing wildly! 

Wild fire kept missing, but was still too close for comfort for Baratski!

Carrick took aim and shot one of the punks, killing him with a few well placed rounds.

Some wild firing got closer to home, causing Phillips to duck behind cover.

EARL launched another grenade, causing some disturbance! One of the enemies dove for cover. Holmes shot another while Phillips killed yet another! They were dropping like flies.

EARL and Holmes took aim...

EARL's grenade finished the job this time! Dead punks. Holmes' shot from distance took down the final punk. There were no more left.

Local security arrived right on time to investigate and protect their citizens! In the aftermath of the attack a local corporate rep, who had been hiding inside, was impressed by the speed and efficiency with which the gang were taken care of. He took the crew's information to offer them a future job. Carrick also managed to get his hand on some military grade flex armour, useful for anyone using a heavy weapon! 

Later, while resting, the comm buzzed. Sara had another lead about the missing settlers. 

"Let's gear up!" Holmes ordered and began preparing their transport.

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