Monday 3 June 2024

I found a local wargame club! 5 minute drive!

 A post appeared on the Battlegroup FB page asking about interest in a Battlegroup event in my city. I showed interest and conversation led me to a wargames club that is just down the road from me. It saves me travelling to another city for wargaming. It was very welcoming and I have met some people who I reckon I will get along with just well.

We played Chain of Command, I have never played it before. It was interesting. There were low casualties but the game still played out quite well. We took quite a while and I don't feel like a huge amount got done, but maybe that is how it is when playing with others. I will be going as often as possible now and hope to get some Battlegroup on the table soon. Maybe with prettier 20mm miniatures rather than my own 6mm. 

Here are a few pictures.They are pretty blurry though. I felt a bit awkward leaning in to take photos to be honest. 

We had two MG squads in the red doored building and a lot of the fighting took place around there. We were getting flanked but had another squad covering the rear. If those brits leave cover we will fire. 

The guys in the house got pretty knocked about by grenades and we called the game saying they likely retreated through the barn and out to the rear, covered by another building full of MGs. 

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