Saturday 15 June 2024

Five Parsecs from Home: Turn 14 - Deon B

The war was spreading. Collective forces were spreading across the sector before the UCS could respond in force. The Pelican along with myriad other vessels found themselves fleeing across various systems in the wild hope that the war would not reach as far out onto the fringes. 

Deon B was very much on the fringes. According to what records exist there were no UCS chartered settlements. Leyte Logistics had, however, put a job on the local net calling for help to investigate an unchartered farmstead. Contact had been lost for a time. There seemed to be little of value on farmsteads like this but a job was a job. It would help keep the ship in the sky and food in their bellies. 

Baratski, Brenko, Phillips and Forgrave would escort a rep from Leyte to the farm and try to make contact. The crew was needed as muscle just in case. 

Baratski and Forgrave approached with the rep. Brenko and Phillips were delayed and might arrive later. Hopefully that wouldn't spell disaster.

In game terms the condition of the game were "small crew" meaning I could only use 4 characters, and "delayed arrival" meaning two of them had to arrive later. Each round I would roll 1D6 and if the number was below/equal the round number then they could come on. Luckily you will see that at the beginning of round 2 I rolled a 2, so they weren't delayed that much.

Two groups of unknown enemies were skulking around on the outskirts, likely waiting for relief efforts to arrive so they could ambush them.

The rest of the crew arrived and they tried to make their way straight up to the farm buildings. The quicker this job got done, the better for any missing survivors (and for the crew's wallets as there is a bonus for quick completion!)

A barrage of bullets took the crew by surprise as one of the skulking enemy opened up with some kind of rapidfire weapon! Luckily nobody was hurt. Forgrave jumped out of cover and headed over to the farm building, hoping to secure it.

Three other figures rounded the other side opening fire on Forgrave who went head over heels in a bloody mess! Getting caught in the open never pays!

Baratski pumped some rounds over in their direction, cutting one of them down. At the sight of his friend lying there one of the figures legged it as quickly and as far away as possible. It was no fun when the settlers fought back!

Brenko stimmed herself up and charged with superhuman speed over to another enemy, blade swinging! Sliced and diced her opponent fell to the ground. The last remaining enemy on this side of the farm building backed around the corner and hoped there were no more stims around. 

Brenko used the team's Booster Pills which allow for double movement or the removal of stun markers. 

Accurate fire from the auto weapon and the figure behind the farm building caused Brenko and Phillips to scurry for cover, pinned down. Baratski and the rep used this chance to run out of line of sight of what must have been a machine gun of some kind. 

While Baratski and the rep arrived at the building, intense firing broke out between the remaining enemies, and Brenko and Phillips. Both of them had to seek cover, but the enemies were taken down finally. 

The final opponent bravely engaged in shooting with Baratski, however with a sorry looking pistol he didn't stand much of a chance against Baratski's Hysys 2212 shotgun. 

With no-one left to fight it was time to find out why this farm had dropped out of contact and make sure Forgrave was okay. Luckily for him he had just been winged by a shot and just needed to spend a little time in medbay. The farmers though? Nowhere to be found. This was unsettling. The rep looked upset.

"I know these people" she explained. "I helped them relocate here a year ago, we thought it was safer, further into the jungle. I guess we were wrong."

"Who is we? Who are these people?" asked Brenko. 

"Escapees. Slaves, servants, criminals, abuse victims, deserters. They were trying to avoid problems when problems found them. It looks like even more problems have found them. We have to find them."

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